Wisconsin Corn to host Grassroots Workshop

The Wisconsin Corn Growers Grassroots Workshop, will be held February 20 – 21 in Madison, in conjunction with Corn Day at the Capitol.

The Grassroots Workshop is designed to educate Wisconsin Corn Growers Association members as to the importance of WCGA, the impact they can have individually on their local, state and national governments and potentially highlight future board member candidates.

Tentative Schedule
February 20
11 a.m. Registration
Noon Lunch
1 p.m. Lobbying 101 with National Corn Growers Association  –   Sadie Lackey      

2:30 p.m. Federal Issues with NCGA’s Washington, D.C. Staff – Sadie Lackey
3:00 p.m. Media Interview Training
5 to 6:30 p.m. Social Hour
6:30 p.m. Dinner

February 21
7 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m. Sharing Your Story
10 a.m. State Issues
Noon Lunch
1:30 p.m. Corn Day at the Capitol
2:30 p.m. Legislative Visits
4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Reception

Those interested in learning more about the Grassroots Workshop or how to get involved with WCGA may contact Nicole Wagner at nicole@wicorn.org or (262) 372-3289.

Join us for a chance to learn about our organization and how we protect the way you want to farm through state and federal legislation, rule making and education. The 2 day event will include media training and Corn Day at the Capitol.

REGISTER HERE: https://forms.gle/D4s1rHhkxkvrCUr46


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