LISBON, Wis. – The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) recently named i
ts winners for the 2021 Fields-of-Corn Photo Contest. The NCGA contest highlights corn growth from seed to harvest and the families that grow it.
Three winners of the national contest hail from Wisconsin.
Luke Goessling, Whitewater, was the first-place winner in the Farm Family Lifestyle category, with his photo “Next Generation Takes the Wheel.”
Harlen Persinger, Milwaukee, was the first-place winner in the Equipment category, with his photo “Screen Play.”
Ciera Ballmer, Janesville, was the third-place winner in the Corn category with her photo “From Farmer’s Hands.”
In addition to two new categories – “Birds-eye View” and “Equipment,” other categories included Corn, Growing Field Corn, the Farm Family Lifestyle, Scenery/Landscapes, Farming Challenges and Conservation. This was the eighth year of the contest, which provides winners with a cash award.
The NCGA Fields-of-Corn Photo Contest is open to all residents of the United States and is an asset to NCGA for the collection of images to use in the organization’s publications, social media and website. The contest will re-open in spring 2022. A listing of all winners and photo contest rules can be found at
Wisconsin Corn serves the state’s corn growers through the Wisconsin Corn Promotion Board (WCPB) and Wisconsin Corn Growers Association (WCGA). The WCPB utilizes checkoff funds to develop and defend markets, fund research and provide education about corn and corn products. WCGA is a united, grassroots-driven member organization representing growers from across Wisconsin on important state and national agricultural issues in an effort to increase member profitability and opportunity. For more information, visit