MADISON, Wis. – In response to today’s release of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decision to reject “gap-year” exemptions, the Wisconsin Corn Growers Association (WCGA) has released the following statement:
“Wisconsin’s corn growers are grateful that the EPA has decided to deny petitions for small refinery exemptions for the 2011-18 compliance years, in agreement with the Department of Energy (DOE) recommendations,” says Doug Rebout, WCGA President. “This is an important step in providing consumers with choices at the pumps while also upholding the promise made to America’s farmers ensuring the blending of 15 billion gallons of conventional biofuel. We look forward to the decision on the remaining waivers.”
Wisconsin Corn serves the state’s corn growers through the Wisconsin Corn Promotion Board (WCPB) and Wisconsin Corn Growers Association (WCGA). The WCPB utilizes checkoff funds to develop and defend markets, fund research and provide education about corn and corn products. WCGA is a united, grassroots-driven member organization representing growers from across Wisconsin on important state and national agricultural issues in an effort to increase member profitability and opportunity. For more information, visit