Wisconsin Corn Growers Association elects new board members, officer team

MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Corn Growers Association (WCGA) elected several new members to its Board of Directors at the WCGA Annual Meeting held this week during the 2019 Wisconsin Corn/Soy Expo.

Zeb Zuehls, incumbent, was re-elected to serve his third term with the WCGA Board of Directors. Zuehls was the 2018 WCGA Vice President and has served as a past FSA board member. Together with his family, Zuehls operates a small cow/calf herd, row crop and custom farming operation.

Affiliate Director Andrew Grebner, Seed Advisor for BASF, was also re-elected for his final two-year term. He is an Illinois State University graduate and previously worked for Dekalb/Monsanto.

James Giese and Steve Knoebel were each elected to serve their first three-year term as directors. They will be replacing Crystal Romanowski of Stanley and Steve Duwe of Johnson Creek, who both completed their maximum term limits. WCGA would like to thank Romanowski and Duwe for their years of service on behalf of Wisconsin Corn.

Giese farms with his father, Emil, in Alma Center. Together they run a few thousand acres of corn, soybeans, winter wheat and alfalfa and also milk 140 dairy cows. Giese is active with the Jackson County Fair and competes in local Limited Pro Stock Tractor Pulling events.

Knoebel farms over 2,400 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa near Johnson Creek. He also has a 65-cow Angus herd and custom raises heifers for a local farm. He is a past board member of the Wisconsin Soybean Association and is involved with several other industry organizations.

At a reorganization meeting immediately following the Annual Meeting, the WCGA Board of Directors named their 2019 officer team: Doug Rebout, President; Zeb Zuehls, Vice President; Mark Hoffmann, Secretary/Treasurer. At-Large Directors include Ben Augustine, Mike Berget, Jim Emmert, James Giese, Casey Kelleher and Steve Knoebel. Andrew Grebner and Loren Jesch continue as an Affiliate Directors and Joe Lauer of UW-Extension as Ex-Officio.

Wisconsin Corn serves the state’s corn growers through the Wisconsin Corn Promotion Board (WCPB) and Wisconsin Corn Growers Association (WCGA). The WCPB utilizes checkoff funds to develop and defend markets, fund research and provide education about corn and corn products. WCGA is a united, grassroots-driven member organization representing growers from across Wisconsin on important state and national agricultural issues in an effort to increase member profitability and opportunity. For more information, visit wicorn.org.


Editor’s Note: Image available for download at https://bit.ly/2G1k6aD

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