Lisbon, Wisconsin – February 8, 2016 – The Wisconsin Corn Growers Association (WCGA) recently adopted resolutions supporting an increase in the use of higher blends of ethanol, adequate funding of state transportation budgets, and clarifications in the high capacity well permitting process. The corn growers approved a range of state and federal resolutions for 2016 at the organization’s annual meeting held during Corn/Soy Expo.
In the area of ethanol market expansion, the corn growers approved a resolution supporting the removal of regulatory barriers on the use of higher blends of ethanol, and supporting state and national efforts by fuel retailers to market 15% ethanol blends.
With uncertainty over the permitting process of high capacity wells caused by a series of court decisions, the corn growers went on record supporting regulatory changes to streamline the well permit application process and clarify permitting for new or replacement wells.
Corn growers have long recognized the value of good roads, rail system and waterways in order to move grain to markets. WCGA members adopted a resolution supporting adequate funding of state and federal transportation budgets. Regarding local roads, the organization opposed charging farmers for using, maintaining and upgrading roads not designed or maintained for modern agriculture equipment. The corn growers also opposed improper application of road damage statutes.
WCGA members approved a resolution supporting a four-year fee holiday on the Agricultural Chemical Cleanup Program because of its existing balance and to prevent the state from raiding this fund for use in other state budget areas.
On federal issues, the corn growers opposed the Environmental Protection Agency’s attempts to administratively interpret the Clean Water Act to expand the definitions of the Waters of the United States.
The organization adopted a resolution encouraging farmers to update and follow their farm conservation plans to continue improving soil stewardship.
Corn grower members will be working with state and federal legislators on these issues to promote policies, programs and meaningful legislation important to Wisconsin’s corn growers. Click here to read WCGA’s resolutions.
WCGA Priority Resolutions:
- Renewable Fuels in Wisconsin: Support removal of regulatory barriers on the use of higher blends of ethanol. Support national efforts to use 15% ethanol blends and the continued promotion of E85. Support the Renewable Fuel Standard for biofuels and support the statutory Renewable Volume Obligations of RFS2.
- Waters of the United States: Oppose the EPA’s definition of the Waters of the United States.
- High Capacity Wells: Support regulatory certainty on the permitting of new or replacement wells. Support streamlining the permit application process so that applications are processed within 60 days.
- Soil Conservation: Encourage farmers to follow conservation plans to improve soil stewardship.
- Responsible Nutrient Management: Support the intent of current nonpoint pollution regulations and urge that enforcement and rules be based on common sense approach to maintain and increase Wisconsin livestock sector.
- Transportation: Support adequate funding of state and federal transportation budgets. Oppose charging farmers for using, maintaining and upgrading local roads not designed or maintained for modern agricultural equipment. Oppose improper application of road damage statues. Support reasonable Implements of Husbandry rules. Support improving and replacing parts of the aging Mississippi River lock and dam system.
- Agricultural Chemical Cleanup Program and Agrichemical Management Program Funds: Support discontinuing the ACCP and ACM funds, fees and taxes. Support a four-year fee holiday.
- Fertilizer Research: Support a separate and expanded fund for fertilizer research.
- Use Value Assessment of Farmland: Support efforts to protect use value assessment of agricultural lands.
- Atrazine: Support releasing prohibited areas based on sound science.
- Market Development: Support efforts to maintain or increase funding of the Foreign Market Development and Market Access Programs through efforts of the U.S. Grains Council.
WCGA is a membership organization that represents the interest of state corn growers in the growing and managing of corn grown both for on-farm feeding and commercial sale. WCGA brings together corn growers to provide information and education at regional corn conferences and the annual Wisconsin Corn/Soy EXPO. As part of NCGA, WCGA represents corn grower interests nationally and internationally and also sponsors annual corn yield contests.