Corn Growers Elect Directors

Corn growers elected four members to the Wisconsin Corn Growers Association board of directors at the organization’s annual meeting Feb. 4.

Steve Duwe, Lake Mills, Zeb Zuehls, Monticello, and Crystal Romanowski, Stanley, were elected as grower directors. Tommy Jackson, Syngenta, was elected as industry representative to the board.

Duwe and his wife farm more than 1,000 acres of corn and soybeans near Lake Mills. Zuehls and his family operate a small cow/calf herd, row crop and custom farming operation near Montello. Romanowski farmers 5,000 acres of grain, forages and custom work with her family near Stanley.

Crystal Romanowski

Crystal Romanowski

Steve Duwe

Steve Duwe

Zeb Zuehls

Zeb Zuehls

WCGA is a membership organization that represents the interest of state corn growers in the growing and managing of corn grown both for on-farm feeding and commercial sale. WCGA brings together corn growers to provide information and education at regional corn conferences and the annual Wisconsin Corn/Soy EXPO. As part of NCGA, WCGA represents corn grower interests nationally and internationally and also sponsors annual corn yield contests.


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