Corn Growers Make Pitch for UW Weed Specialist

The Wisconsin Corn Growers Association (WCGA) is backing the hiring of a new Cropping Systems Weed Specialist for the Agronomy Department at the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) at UW-Madison.

The organization said in a letter to Kate VandenBosch, Dean of CALS, the research through this position has provided Wisconsin corn growers valuable information on weed management, helping growers increase corn yields and the value of the corn crop to Wisconsin’s economy.

The Cropping Systems Weed Specialist position has been unfilled for several years. The WCGA said it recognized the budget restraints faced by the University of Wisconsin System, but expressed its support for funding research through this position to help growers increase productivity and profits through weed management.

WCGA said the Cropping Systems Weed Specialist will work with other UW Specialists to help corn growers make the most educated decisions possible. The Cropping Systems Weed Specialist will be able to conduct research that will not only help growers improve herbicide-resistant weed management, but will also aid in protecting water quality and increasing food security, according to WCGA.

WCGA is a membership organization that represents the interest of state corn growers in the growing and managing of corn grown both for on-farm feeding and commercial sale. WCGA brings together corn growers to provide information and education at regional corn conferences and the annual Wisconsin Corn/Soy EXPO. As part of NCGA, WCGA represents corn grower interests nationally and internationally and also sponsors annual corn yield contests.


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